Thursday, February 19, 2009

My eBook is available for download

As you probably know, I have been working on my book, "The Forex Millionaire Maker". Well, I have finally got it completed. The book is available for download here. I would appreciate any feedback that you might have, or any input that I might be able to use in future editions of the book. Future editions will most likely be in print format.


Silver Eagle said...

All of the links under "my other sites" are dead.

Tony said...

Oh no! It's up and running now. Please try again.

Unknown said...

I ordered the AME Cross Trader and recieved a License Key By email. The problem no wis that it says delivery method for the software is download but I dont see any links where I can download the software

Unknown said...

Hi Tony,

Do you perhaps have a live forward trade account for 2009 to show us?
Have you been trading the EA live?
With which broker?
