Friday, September 18, 2009

FSaF Version 1.09 is in the works

Version 1.09 of Forex Set and Forget is in the works and should be available no later than 31 October, which coincides with the end of an experiment I am currently conducting. Ten or so participants have agreed to run FSaF version 1.08 from 01 September until 31 October and provide me data and feedback about the experience (install, operate, manage, etc.). This will enable me to enhance the usability, reliability and discover any bugs that need to be fixed before version 1.09 is released. So far the response has been positive and a few have already seen some very nice profits. The feedback I am getting has been priceless and has prompted this "extreme makeover" from version 1.08 to 1.09.

Version 1.09 will be priced significantly higher than 1.08. Right now I'm thinking the price will be at least $249 but that price is not carved in stone. However, you can buy version 1.08 now at $99 and then upgrade to 1.09 for free when it becomes available. You have just a few weeks to take advantage of this situation before it's too late and the price goes up.

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