Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Look what I found!

I totally forgot about this account that I set up in August for the Surefire Trading Challenge. I opened it with $1000 and it has been running pretty much unattended since August. Just this morning as I was doing some maintenance on my VPS, I noticed that this account was still running and is up over 200% since I opened it.

Anyway, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to put it on MyFXbook.com since it goes back 4 months and looks so good. Now for some disclaimers...
  • I opened that account with $1000 and used risk levels much higher than what I recommend for Forex Set and Forget (FSaF). The reason is because this account was used for a contest, which means using very aggressive settings for trading.
  • Once I lost the contest (can you believe it? I doubled the account and still lost the contest), I put FSaF on a safer pair and used the included Preset File for that pair. Even so it was still running with only about $2000, which is $1000 LESS than the recommended minimum deposit.
  • Almost as soon as I changed the settings, I completely forgot about the account and never looked at it again until I accidentally noticed it this morning.
Anyway, check it out. This is kinda like finding a bunch of coins under your sofa cushions! :-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New forward test added to MyFXbook.com

I started a new forward test on MyFXbook.com. I took the 7 pairs that ended the month in profit from the test I started a month ago and put them on a new account. I also made sure that I had allocated $3000 for each pair (for a total of $21000) so that FSaF will run at the minimum risk level, which I failed to do in the previous test.

--> 7 Pairs on FXDD

My experiment of Forex Set and Forget running on 15 pairs ended the first month in a 9% loss on the account. I didn't expect much as far as gains but I did learn alot about the robot during that time. Version 1.10 will have improved exit logic that protects gains and minimizes losses. It should be available around Christmas. Even so, version 1.09 works very well on certain pairs and can be used for a nice cashflow.